Mass inspections across Poland. ZUS starts working

In the past six months The number of checks on people on sick leave has increased significantly.The Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) provided. New wayWhich greatly speeds up the verification process.

as a result of Poles owe millions of zlotys ZUS for trying to claim sickness benefitsTherefore, it is useful to understand what actions are not allowed when using L4 and what consequences may result from breaking it.

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In the first half of 2024, ZUS conducted up to 260.8 thousand controls. Sick leave, a significant increase compared to previous years. During this period, auditors discovered irregularities that led to the suspension or reduction of benefit payments in the amount of PLN 117.5 million.

The rest of the article is below the video.

See also: Force L4? “Poles often do not want to take sick leave recommended by a doctor”

Last year, this amounted to PLN 85.5 million. According to the portal, representatives of ZUS confirm this. The use of artificial intelligence in the document verification process has contributed to increasing the effectiveness of oversight. Huge savings.

What can and cannot be done on L4?

Sick leave is intended to enable the patient to recover quickly. Therefore, the list of activities to avoid during L4 is much longer than the list of activities to allow.In case of release with a note “Lie”The patient should limit his activity to visiting the doctor, rehabilitation, or purchasing the necessary medications.

If there is a record on L4 that The patient can walk.He is not allowed to leave his place of residence except to meet his basic needs. Any other activities such as Travel or renovation work is strictly prohibited..

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Consequences of breaking the rules on L4

ZUS has the right to check whether the patient complies with the sick leave rules. If violations are found, a report is drawn up and the patient is given the opportunity to provide explanations, for example by presenting the pharmacy receipt.

If no explanation is provided, He may be deprived of the right to receive benefits for the entire L4 period and will be obliged to return the funds previously paid.. In addition, as the portal adds, the employer has the right to: Disciplinary dismissal of employeewho used L4 incorrectly, without the right to receive wages for this period.

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