Mariella.  This is how I liked: Marila Rudovich, a film about Rudovich, Maria Zabowska

“Marella. I loved it so much” is a movie Documentary about Marella Rudovic. TVP, as announced, Show it on holidays. Now she commented on the production in an interview with “Wirtualna Polska” Maria SzabowskaAnd Who knows the biography of the Polish singer like everyone else.

The journalist has written two books about her and has been following Marila Rudovic for years. In her opinion, viewers can learn a lot of interesting details From the singer’s life. However, he adds that In it was a lot of the artist’s personal life, And it is not enough about his important role in the Polish music scene.

Rodowicz’s career is an important reference point for other singers. The journalist explains: “Rudovic was one of the first Polish singers to compete with men. Often in this competition she was very successful.” mention it Marella has always been brave. When it comes to fashion and trends, you’re never afraid to experiment.

Maria Zapowska believes in it It would be useful to add a script creation topic to the movieEspecially the most famous songs. “It will also be necessary to add a large chapter devoted to her relationship with Soren Krajewski,” she asserts.

The character Agnieszka Osica, who is on the team with Rudovic and Krajewski, was also missing They were “the most creative trinity in the history of the Polish music scene”.

Finally, Maria Szapowska She mentioned Maryla Rodowicz’s attempt to make a career in the West. In those days, the information that a person could get recognition abroad was very important.


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