This year, the Quebec public will be able to watch Quebec reality TV. Last Sunday, the last deletions before the Isle of Love Grand Final took place on TVA.

This very emotional adventure ended abruptly for the couple Sandrin and Samuel, who were shown together from the very beginning of the adventure. We had the opportunity to speak with the evicted couple.

Are you recovering well from all the emotions you experienced?

Samuel: Of course we experienced a lot of emotions … that’s it Non-stop! I am more and more relaxed, but we are experiencing strong emotions every day.

Sandrin: The adrenaline is really coming down. After the Elimination Night, we were completely a High. OhHe realized that life is outside of adventure and that it is coming. Now that we’re in Montreal, I’m very excited about what’s next.

Since you are a couple posted together from the beginning, do you feel disappointed by the end of Benjamin and Ariel?

Sandrin: Not true, I didn’t feel betrayed … I knew it was coming. There were some strong friendships around the house, I understand. I have no hatred for this world. All the couples were beautiful and strong – whoever it was, I understand the decision of Benjamin and Ariel.

Sandrin, you know there was a stronger friendship than the others in the adventure. Do you think you were fired because you were low with Benjamin and Ariel?

Sandrin: The friendship with them clearly grew less and less, and I think that’s what made us not choose. We were close to Kyon and Isabel, and by the time of removal it was clear that Benji and Ariel had the power. We were true to our friendship and we were always true. We don’t think you have to be friendly with all of us to get to the finals, it’s not really ours Mood.

Has the love you have for each other changed since you came back to Quebec?

Sandrin: We stayed in our hotel room since we got back, so it didn’t change that big. We know the changes are coming, and I live in the city center and Samuel in the countryside so we see everything we can do together. When we return to our normal life, I think it will be stronger and deeper.

What were the biggest challenges you had in your relationship during the adventure?

Sandrin: I hope we have overcome the same challenges. The two of us open our minds and struggle in romantic relationships. For some reason, we relied on each other and decided to open 100%. It took a long time at first to pierce his shell (I think Sam in particular) to voice his emotions, but as it came out, it clicked. I have so many walls in life, I have a hard time giving voice to my feelings, I don’t know why pie, but for Samuel it is so easy.

Samuel: I am also a person who does not talk much in everyday life, stays in his corner and does not talk much. At the beginning of the show, we saw that I was very reserved. Going to Love Island and talking to someone was a big challenge for me, but with Sandrine it was fun.

Do you regret being at a slow pace during the filming of the show?

Samuel: Not because it was real, it was real. If I had forced myself, it would have been fair Show And to be beautiful. So I didn’t regret anything, I took my time because I was like that.

Sandrin: It would not have been natural if we had been fast and swear words of love from the beginning. We wanted to take our time. In the context of the show, it really accelerated, and we find that we were much faster compared to our normal lives. I’m really proud of ourselves.

Do you think other couples have decided to go to the finals soon?

Sandrin: I think so. At the end of the day, it’s still a competition, especially at the end. At first it seemed we didn’t realize we were in a game.No talk about it Dating, Everyone was Cold. In the end, you can see the tension really increases, so yes, some were fast in the end. I will not say who did it, but $ 50,000 for my share was not enough to stop me from speeding.

Have you ever been tired of sleeping with everyone in the same room for so long?

Sandrin: Honestly, no! The only thing I didn’t like was that it was hot. The first nights I had a hard time falling asleep, but over time, the presence of others promises, you get used to it. We really felt like family. On the other hand, I agree that I could not have done this for a long time.

Samuel: Maybe others can say the opposite. Some people must have heard us talking … Sandrin is not good at whispering! I didn’t care for it, but it might have bothered others.

How was your romantic night? Did things happen that we did not see?

Sandrin: It really was I have fun Be alone with him for a moment. It was different because we had no action before Proper Ours only Date adventure. We had some nice deep conversations and it was nice to sleep in a big bed.

Samuel: It was so good, it was so awesome!

You had a consistent rhythm on the show, except for a brief visit to Sandrine Marquez. How do you feel about this and has it been resolved?

Samuel: It was all settled in the villa. Sandrin came to see me immediately after the move to confirm me, which helped me a lot. I never think about it anymore.

Which couple do you think will be crowned the island of love as a public winner?

Sandrin: I do not really know, because I do not know what the public opinion is, but if you ask me who I will vote for, it will be for Isabel and Kion. Like us, I believe they are real and true from the beginning. They’re not going to say things to get past it. They were a bit unfavorable because their pair evolved after the adventure, but they didn’t try to speed things up – they followed their own pace. I know Isabelle only has eyes, and I see that they are beautiful together.

Samuel: I think Ariel and Benjamin will win. They had an excellent chemistry together and it seemed; They were very demonstrative.

Sandrin: Do you think Samuel will get along well with Papa John (your father)?

I firmly believe! The two are still similar; Samuel and my dad don’t talk much, they are more in their corners, but they open their mouths and ask people to be honest. I think that would be okay.

Samuel: Do you think your friends will like Sandrine?

Yes with my friends, but they all went to America to play hockey. On the other hand, I hope my family will love Sandrine very much. I just want to say that my family loves everyone.

** Note that what the islanders claim has been slightly edited to make the article easier to read. **

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