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“Kogel mogel” It was first shown 34 years ago, and remains unparalleled popularity to this day. Viewers approach the production with sense, but the film is riddled with errors. The ’80s may have seemed unremarkable, but the trained eye of contemporary film fans will notice accidentsperpetrated by the creators. Some may be surprised.
“Kogel mogel”. Viewers noticed these mishaps many years later
One of the mishaps appears in the first part of “Kogla-mogla”. all through Movie Katie (Grażyna Błęcka-Kolska) swears not to drink alcohol. However, when the hero goes to a bar with her friends from the university, she drinks beer in their company. So the script shows inconsistency.
“coogle muggle” Photo: movie frame
in the first part the filmwhen Kasia moves to Pawe (Dariush Syatkovsky), viewers witness how the heroine goes to the market. When shopping, you choose roses that later appear clearly from different angles. You buy four yellow and one pink. But in the scene filmed at home when I set the table for dinner, we actually see four whistles and one red.
“Coogle Moogul”. production accidents Photo: movie frames
This is not the end of artistic oversight in shooting scenes. In “Galimatias, or kogel-mogel 2”, Kasia and Pawe are already married. The pair drive a green Volkswagen several times in the movie, but it has a different recording in different scenes. See for yourself.
“Coogle Moogul”. production accidents Photo: movie frames
There were also logical errors in the script in the first part of the film. When Kasia began her studies, the Wolański family adjusted the schedule for the exchange of sponsorships for Piotr. In one scene, Barbara Woolesca (Iowa Kaspersky) in a hurry to arrive on time. In Zygmunt Column, he tries a long taxi ride to get to Piłsudski Square. Meanwhile, this place is only a few hundred meters away.
“Coogle Moogul”. Barbara Wolańska tries to catch a taxi Photo: movie frame
It is not the end. One of the scenes in Wolański’s apartment is also a flaw in the script. Kasia comes to the employers’ bedroom, wakes them up and asks them what they drink in the morning: milk, coffee, tea or cocoa. The lecturer, in turn, asks: “Can you go to bed?” ‘Of course please,’ says Cassia and leaves, closing the door, not knowing which drink to bring.
Grażyna Błęcka-Kolska in the movie “Kogel-mogel” Photo: movie frame
Watching “Kogla-mogla” years ago, you were not interested in him, but now you can not only see incidents on the screen, but also hear them. Most of the scenes in the first part of Piotr (Maciej Koterski) are, as it is easy to see, related to the crying of the baby. However, the young actor did not always have to strain his voice. During the scene, when a sheet got wet, his tears came out of the tape. Now, this type of treatment is being abandoned.
Maciej Kotersky in the movie Kogel-mogel Photo: movie frame
You can watch the two parts of the movie: “Kogel-mogel” and “Galimatias or Kogel-mogel 2” on Easter Sunday at TVP HD at 19:50 and 21:40.
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