Jupiter’s moon is very close up.  IU looks really cool

It just so happened that the Juno probe is busy collecting information about Jupiter and its moons. Recently, at perihelion 51, the satellite flew past Io at a distance of about 35,500 km. In such conditions, photographs of this object were taken from an extremely close distance.

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However, it’s fair to note that we’re talking about Juno’s personal records. If we take into account the achievements of other instruments, Galileo will clearly dominate. However, this is not the goal of astronomers, who are primarily trying to collect as much information as possible about Jupiter and its natural satellites.

Io is a moon of Jupiter and the most volcanic in the entire solar system

Previously, in addition to Io, Juno had visited two other Galilean moons, known as Europa and Ganymede. However, Callisto remained elusive. Of particular interest in light of recent events is Io, which is arguably the most volcanic object in the entire solar system. Local volcanoes are so variable and active that each successive flyby shows a slightly different state on the surface of Io. By observing these structures, conclusions can be drawn, among other things, about the amount of lava emitted or the number of volcanoes themselves.

The image above was processed by Kevin Gill of NASA. Here we can see more than half of Jupiter’s moon illuminated by volcanic plains and a lake. Photography access isn’t likely to end soon, though, as mission managers plan to do more flybys of Io in the coming months.

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Scott Bolton of the Southwest Research Institute announced that flights scheduled for July and October will take place over shorter distances than they are now. However, this will only be a prelude to the maneuvers of December this year and February 2024, when Juno will be within 1,500 kilometers of Io’s surface. All we have to do is be patient and wait for the great photos.

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