“It smells like another Yalta.”  Patrick Jackie: Poland should arm itself

RIA said the matter was between Russia and the United States The first talks have already taken place on the security guarantee. The Kremlin is demanding that the US stop “further NATO expansion” to the east.

Nor does Russia want any of the former Soviet Union countries to become part of NATO. Any bilateral military cooperation with these countries will also be suspended.

Yak’s annoying talk

The MEP for Law and Justice is convinced that in the context of such reports, Polish politicians must take immediate and decisive action.

This is a moment of crisis. It is made up of many things. In geopolitics, downtime ends. Sooner or later, a new distribution of forces and resources in the world awaits us. Jackie told Polish Radio 24 that the big task of the Polish elite is to make Poland stronger, not weaker, in this new deal.

The politician demands Poland “to develop its army and combat capabilities” because our country is “in a difficult geopolitical situation.”

– We have already begun to do this by decision of Deputy Prime Minister Jaroslav Kaczynski. We are dealing with the Putin Doctrine, which is clearly similar to the Brezhnev Doctrine. What he proposes to the United States smells like another Yalta. Poland is in a difficult geopolitical situation. The United States wants to draw Russia to its side – against China. Russia – if it succeeds – will want some kind of payment for it. when? Let’s remember history. Poland should arm itself and build a coalition of countries that do not agree to a new Yalta – says the MEP.

A new geopolitical deal

The European Parliament also referred to the causes of the turmoil of the global political system.

While the United States waged unproductive wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and poured massive amounts of wasted money there, China grew silently. It has grown into a traditional economy, industry and an innovative economy. And the United States began to move beyond these matters – in his assessment.

Some say Trump started a trade war with China too late. The American elite decided to confront the rising Chinese power: they should focus on China, in the Pacific. Thus there will be fewer of them in Europe. And if there are fewer of them in Europe, then this is a good chance for Putin – added Patrick Jackie.

Read also:
“scandal”. Which was commented on by CJEU’s recent ruling on the Constitutional Court
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Ban Wishes in the European Parliament. What: an attempt to create a new world of revolution

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