How much do you earn in Germany?  They compared wages to costs

German wages are the main reason Poles leave for work across the Oder. experts calculate this The average monthly salary in Germany is more than 4,100 euros, equivalent to approximately 17,700 Polish zlotys.that is, about 10 thousand more than in Poland.

However, working in Germany also has many requirements. The portal lists more than just basic formalities Registration in the health insurance and registration office, but also choose the tax category at the German Tax Office. To complete these procedures, an ID card and an apartment rental agreement are usually sufficient.

Sami Employers often require knowledge of the German language. This is especially important in the case of specialized jobs, and Germans value employees’ punctuality and quality of work a job. They, in turn, describe Poles as hardworking and conscientious people.

Wages in Germany vary across different economic sectors and regions of the country. It is said that You can earn more in West GermanyThe highest profits in total amounts belong to the sector:

  • Medicines: EUR 5,100 (about PLN 22,000)
  • Technological: 5000 euros (about 21.5 thousand PLN)
  • Financial: 4,500 EUR (more than 19,000 PLN)
  • Production: 3,500 euros (about 15,000 PLN)

salary “Beyond Oder may vary significantly depending not only on the position, but also on factors such as education, experience, company location and scope of responsibilities,” explains For example. Differences in nurses’ salaries can reach up to PLN 1,000. euro. The engineer will earn from 3.5 PLN to 5000 PLN. Euros and an office employee from 2.2 to 3.2 thousand. Euro total.

The average cost of living in Germany may vary depending on the region of the country. In general, however, the costs of renting apartments in large cities are much higher than in small towns. On average, a small apartment in Berlin, Hamburg or Munich costs 600-1000 euros per month., up to about 4,500 Polish zlotys. In small towns costs are 400-700 euros.

Buying groceries in Germany costs between 150 and 300 euros per person, or approximately 650 to 1,500 Polish zlotys. Health insurance is compulsory in this country, and it costs on average 150-350 euros (or up to 1,500 PLN) per month. Insurance may be public or private and may cover a variety of services.

In large cities, the cost of public transportation may also be important. calculates this In Berlin, a monthly public transport ticket costs about 86 euros, or about 370 Polish zlotys. This is one of the most expensive tickets in this country.

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