Hot, newly discovered Jupiter is warming up to 3000 degrees.  It’s hard to believe how fast it orbits around its star

The surface temperature of TOI-1518b is up to 3000°C. This hot Jupiter orbits its star in a full orbit in less than two days.

Key to the discovery was the TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Reconnaissance Satellite) telescope, which tracked an object with a radius of 1.875 from Jupiter. Researchers at Yale University haven’t done that yet Determine its mass precisely, but they assume it is only 2.3 times the mass of our gas giant. However, the exact determination of this value must be achieved by observing the radial velocities in the system, Which includes TOI-1518b.

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The relationship between this exoplanet and its cosmic host is truly remarkable. Suffice it to say that it takes 1.9 days to complete a full circle, due to the fact that two objects are separated by 0.04 AU. One of these units relates to the distance between the Earth and the Sun. Of course, TOI-1518b’s orbital location causes extremely high temperatures on its surface. This temperature reaches 3000 degrees Celsius.

Hot Jupiter is a term used to refer to gas giants with orbits remarkably similar to their stars. Their orbital periods should be less than 10 days. By comparison, the closest planet to the sun in our system, Mercury, has an orbital period of 88 days.

TOI-1518b is the so-called hot Jupiter, a gas giant orbiting near its star

TOI-1518b was discovered by observing a bright star called TOI-1518. It was conducted with the TESS telescope, which was used to verify the transit method. It involves looking for dips in the brightness of stars likely caused by the presence of planets passing between them and the observer. Confirmation of the source of the drop in brightness was possible thanks to the EXPRES spectrometer installed on the Lowell Discovery Telescope.

Read also: The TESS telescope breaks the record. Discover nearly 160,000 pulsating red giants

TOI-1518b has an orbit of approximately 240.34 degrees. The planet’s star TOI-1518 reaches a surface temperature of more than 7000 degrees Celsius. It is twice the size of the Sun, while its mass is 1.79 that of our star. Interestingly, iron has been detected in the atmosphere of a planet for example TOI-1518b, which so far is rarely found on other hot Jupiters.

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