Hakerzy zaatakowali ukraińskie strony rządowe - poinformował w piątek rzecznik MSZ tego kraju Ołeh Nikołenko. Do zmasowanego ataku doszło nocą z czwartku na piątek. Ukraińskie służby zapewniają, że według ich informacji nie doszło do wycieku danych osobowych. Po wejściu na stronę MSZ pojawiał się komunikat w trzech wersjach językowych: po ukraińsku, rosyjsku i po polsku.

Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Ole Nikolenko, said on Friday that hackers had attacked Ukrainian government websites. An intense attack occurred at night from Thursday to Friday. Ukrainian services assure that, according to their information, there was no leakage of personal data. Entering the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a message appeared in three languages: Ukrainian, Russian and Polish.

“As a result of a massive hacking attack, the websites of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a number of other state authorities have been temporarily disrupted. Our specialists are working to restore the systems,” Nikolenko wrote on Twitter.

“It is too early to draw conclusions, but We have a long history of Russian attacks against Ukraine– Nikolenko confirmed when asked who might be behind the attack, and Reuters quoted his statement.

According to Ukraine’s Interfax agency, the websites of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education, the State Emergency Service, the Government, the Ministry of Energy and the state app “Deja” are not working.

Cyber ​​Police has launched an investigation. The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) reported that “provocative” messages appeared on the homepage of the sites that were attacked. “While The content of the pages has not been changed, and according to our information, no personal data leakage has occurred– added.

SBU indicated that Part of the state’s resources have been suspendedTo prevent the spread of the attack and to identify a technical problem.

It was emphasized that a large part of the resources are already available, and the rest will start work “in the near future”.

After entering the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a message appeared in three languages: Ukrainian, Russian and Polish, informing Interfax-Ukraine.

She said, among other things:All the information about you is made public, you fear and wait for the worst. It is for your past, present and future. For Wołyń, UPA OUN, Galicia, Polesie and Historic Districts

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