Gorbachev: The Soviet Union can survive after all |  world News

Interview with Mikhail Gorbachev – the last secretary of the USSR and the first president of this country – Posted by TASS On the thirtieth anniversary of his resignation and on the eve of the thirtieth anniversary of the official collapse of the Soviet Union.

According to Gorbachev, the goal of the Soviet authorities was “to establish a true federation with real sovereignty.” Republicthat would delegate some of its powers to the center.” – Security, Defense, Transportation Network, and the Common Currency. […] I’m sure this was a viable option. Gorbachev said in an interview with TASS that most republics would support it.

In his opinion, the Djanjiu coup in August 1991 thwarted this opportunity. Gorbachev, as he asserts, did not lose hope. – Even after the coup, when the republics of the USSR declared their independence and the role of the President of the USSR was very weak, I believed that the USSR could be preserved. Gorbachev said that I proposed to reach an agreement on the union of sovereign states. The former leader of the Soviet Union argued that the proposed scenario “would be much better than what happened after the collapse of the Soviet Union”.

According to Gorbachev “However, the Soviet Union could survive if it became a confederation of sovereign republics.” – However, 30 years ago, ethnic problems in this country were underestimated – he said. As historians note, the perestroika initiated by Gorbachev (reconstruction – liberated) and glasnost (opening – liberated) has so far caused dormant national conflicts – mainly in the Caucasus – to awaken. In the countries of the former Soviet Union, a number of armed conflicts occurred along ethnic lines, in which 35,000 people were killed. People.

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Yango coup. Białowiea Convention

The coup against Gorbachev’s rule took place in August 1991. Power in the country was seized by the State Committee for the State of Emergency (Russian: GKCzP). It was headed by the Vice-President of the USSR, Gennady Yanayev, who had the support of “militants” and part of the army and security apparatus. The coup accelerated the process of disintegration of the Soviet Union. On December 8, 1991, the leaders of three republics – Belarus, Russia And Ukraine: Stanislav Szuskovich, Boris Yeltsin and Leonid Krauchuk signed the Białowiea Agreement, which formally ended the existence of the Soviet Union and created in its place the Commonwealth of Independent States. On December 25, 1991, Gorbachev resigned as president.

Russian army exercises (illustrative image)Russia. The exercises for the landing of troops have begun near the border of Ukraine

Putin: We have become a completely different country

In mid-December, President Vladimir Putin lamented the collapse of the Soviet Union. He called the Soviet Union “historic Russia” and said that the economic crisis that followed was so severe that he had to work As a taxi driver. – It was the collapse of the historical Russia called the Soviet Union (…) We became a completely different country. In the film “Russia. A New History” shown on the state-run RIA news television, Vladimir Putin said that what was built in more than 1,000 years is largely lost.

The dissolution of the Soviet Union 30 years ago

On December 26, 1991, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted the Declaration of Self-Disintegration, which was a sign of the collapse of the Soviet Union. It was the end of the greatest communist state in history, a totalitarian state that led to the extermination of many millions of victims of different nationalities.

The separation process began in 1988 when Estonia He was the first to declare sovereignty. By 1991, all fifteen socialist republics that made up the Soviet Union had declared their independence.

The dissolution of the Soviet Union was announced on December 26 by Mikhail Gorbachev in a special television broadcast. However, according to the Soviet scientist and former Polish ambassador to Russia, Professor Władysław Marciniak, the most significant event in the entire process of the collapse of the USSR was the “Białowiea Agreement” concluded on December 8. “The president resigned, signed a decree on the resignation of the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces. But in fact, the signing of the Białowiea agreements was a more important event, that’s how the issue was settled” – said the ex-ambassador .

World public opinion expected chaos after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Among other things, questions were raised about the further fate of the arsenal of the USSR, including weapons of mass destruction. Prof. Marciniak said: “A certain process was shut down, at that time it was rather quiet. However, a lot of question marks appeared. This is fundamental, what is next with the nuclear potential.”

The Soviet scientist emphasizes that it is impossible to clearly indicate the reasons for the collapse of the USSR. Among them, the most important seem to be serious internal and political conflicts, as well as economic collapse. “Failure in Afghanistan As well as in a direct and prestigious dimension, it was degraded in the rank of a superpower ”- emphasized Professor Marciniak.

The Soviet Union was founded on December 30, 1922. Its largest republic was post-revolutionary Russia. The USSR also included the former territories of the Russian Empire, including a large part of Poland with Lviv, Vilnius, Tarnopol and Stanislavo.

Historians estimate that by the end of the Stalinist Terror era in 1956, more than 60 million people in the Soviet Union had been killed and starved.

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