Gilder La Tour is the king!

Cont District 31 As an actor Gilder had made an impression on Roy that no one had imagined. the tower.

It must be said Morning view Two seasons in Kildare TQS and TV on sofaThe animation, which he shared with psychologist Rose-Marie Charest on Radio-Canada, left no trace. Frankly, both shows failed, but we have to admit that Gilder wasn’t really responsible for that.

Gilder Roy may not be a great actor, but who else but him could have portrayed the most reliable Commander Chiason all these years? Gilder isn’t the singer of the century either, but he shouldn’t be tapping his feet when he sings You go to my head Or how not to be moved when he sings a country “tune”? To my knowledge, Gilder has never won a trophy as an animator, but he deserves to be an animator. the tower On TVA, this early evening talk show is unlike any other.

Replacing Patrick Huard, who created and hosted the show for two seasons, was more than a headache. the tower Signed Wall to Wall. The comedian suggested inviting his guests to a loft where he lived privately. I really enjoyed it the tower, although from time to time Patrick found himself a little too philosophical. But many hosts and hostesses only know how to blame themselves when they say something stupid, and get unimportant comments from their guests.

A show in his film

Since he animated the towerGilder Roy has changed the decor and accessories around it. He also reduced the number of pages and the length of time that made Huard’s show great. Gilder, like his predecessor, delivers them in everyday terms facing the camera. His companions are no less appropriate, but they seem less judgmental.

Thanks to his good nature and his incomparable empathy, Gilder succeeds in winning the trust of his guests, which often surprises them. This pious Gildor, after often indulging himself in an apparently intimate self-reliance, arrives calmly, which naturally leads his interlocutor to do the same.

Modesty tastes better!

We’re a long way from the bread-and-butter bursts of mutual appreciation and insider comments of so many “armchair shows” on TVA and Radio-Canada. Indescribable good evening ! A good example is with Jean-Philippe Wauthier. Vauthier is the opposite of Gilder Roy. As this one fades away to leave all the room for the guests, the other holds forward, doing a wheel and occupying all the space. Then there is Patrick Huard, whose fame is so great and his intelligence and presence above the average. the tower Kildare is a brand that will last. Like its predecessors, Guilder is exemplary modest. It’s not free!

So far, the tower All shows have the merit of not being a “block” show, with frequent guest appearances by us. the tower We were surprised that Gilder was chosen to bring it to life, as it can continue to surprise us with unusual and surprising guests that make up its brand image.

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