Ghostrunner and Star Wars: Squadrons and Alien: Free Quarantine for Amazon Prime Gaming subscribers

The start of the month means new PC games for Prime Gaming subscribers. out of ten titles subscriber In October three elements pay special attention: cyberpunk Gustrner Polish studio One More Level, space shooter Star Wars: SquadronsAnd it’s also not very new, but still terrifying Alien: Solitude. You can find the full list of products waiting to be picked, along with the names of the apps you’ll be assigning product keys to. The offer is valid until the end of the month.

Prime Gaming is available in Poland after purchasing Amazon Prime Video. You will then get a free 7-day trial period. You can also choose to get 30 days of Amazon Prime for free, just sign up through this link. However, you need to use an Amazon UK account.

There is a chance for that Alien: Solitude, a fantastic horror movie from 2014 set in the universe created in Ridley Scott’s movie, you already have the title because it could have been twice slumbering As part of the weekly Epic Games Store giveaway. Star Wars: Squadrons success In turn, to the June presentation of PS Plus. Gustrner Instead it is presented in a similar fashion for the first time.

The Star Wars shooter will allow you to learn about the stories of two pilots who fly for the enemy factions, one for the New Republic and the other for the Empire. in a Ghostrunnerze In turn, you will play the role of a title warrior who is able to move both in the physical world and in cyberspace, who uses his parkour abilities and special powers and kills a katana to discover the secrets of the city located in the gigantic tower and put an end to Mary’s rule to terrorize her.

You can find more interesting offers and promotions on games, equipment and accessories for gamers on our dedicated page

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