Even in the hospital, he was constantly harassing his superiors

Despite being hospitalized, a former Deloitte tax expert accused of serious harassment by a superior she claimed to be in love with continued texting, the victim testified, leaving her increasingly fearful for her safety.

• Read more: Defendant believed Martin Matt was mocking him

“He became more and more disconnected from reality. He was obsessed, he made up stories that I was always the focal point of,” he explained in a Montreal courtroom today.

For a third day, tax expert Philip Dubey testified at the trial of a former chartered accountant who worked under him two years ago. He would have loved her, and then to torture her to the extreme.

Apart from matching her, Dubey starts to believe in conspiracies that the boss who fired him wants his skin. She began to believe that comedian Martin was sending her messages through ads for Mad Maxi.


The victim says she ignored him for more than a year, but that hasn’t calmed Dubey, who has been sending him constant messages during troubled times.

For example, “We’ll see each other there again,” he said.

Dubey would have finally been admitted to the hospital. But even there, he reportedly continued to post online that he was plotting a murder plot and would be dangerous if released.

“He scared me so much,” the woman testified, choking back tears. When he knew he was coming out [de l’hôpital], I left my apartment for a few days. »

The woman eventually reported it to the police, and Dube was charged with criminal harassment. His trial is scheduled for about a month.

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