Elon Musk is at war with his transgender daughter. She called him a liar and a racist

Elon Musk He strongly supports pro-family policy. The author of the phrase: “If people do not have more children, our civilization will collapse” took the dramatic decline in birth rates very seriously. To this end, he made every effort to be able to boast a bunch of children over time. It is now known that He is the father of 12 children.Although information about his later descendants is pouring in like an aces into his quiver, the person in question himself gives the impression that he has already lost his way in his calculations.

It would be hard to attribute any special contribution to the 53-year-old tech giant’s child-rearing. As befits a Sunday father, Musk assumes that fulfilling his child support obligation will solve all problems. Meanwhile, the entrepreneur, who has focused on starting new businesses, has not been able to notice this at all. What difficulties did one of his children go through while growing up?.

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See also: Elon Musk in Poland. Record of visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum

Elon Musk humiliated in front of the whole world

A father’s cruelty and media hype surrounding his having a transgender child sparked a family war richest man in the worldBorn in 2004. Xavier just after coming of age. Officially correct his gendercurrently known as Vivian Gina Wilson.

The Tesla CEO’s transgender daughter, clearly offended by his outrageous words, wanted to distance herself from her parents. However, sentiment prevailed, and users of the Threads microblog platform were able to see just how successful Elon Musk is in the eyes of his 20-year-old child.

You are trying to recreate the image of a “caring father,” which I will never agree with. You are not a family man, You are a serial adulterer and will not stop lying about your children. – A series of brutally honest arguments began.

Vivian also criticized her father for his false concern for the future of the Earth and his pursuit of climate neutrality.

You’re not saving the planet and you don’t care about climate change.I am amazed at how naive we are as a human race, because for some strange reason that I do not understand at all, people still believe and trust you. You are not a bastion of progress. – I wrote.

The 20-year-old also recalled a story from her childhood when Elon Musk tried to impose his value system by describing Arabic as the “language of the enemy.” She directly called the billionaire a racist.

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That’s absolutely true. The man has fathered children with every girl he meets, gotten pregnant by them and never raised those children. His father is the same moralist and fathered a child for his stepdaughter.

He just got another woman pregnant, he’s dating anyone and getting women pregnant just to spread his genes. This isn’t normal, this guy is upset. I treat it like a business. She’s having kids but she’s not taking care of them. His father had two kids for his stepdaughter.

It must be admitted that the girl expresses herself beautifully.

Well done guys!!! We are fighting for gold on the net!!!

He just got another woman pregnant, he’s dating anyone and getting women pregnant just to spread his genes. This isn’t normal, this guy is upset. I treat it like a business. She’s having kids but she’s not taking care of them. His father had two kids for his stepdaughter.

Latest comments (76)

Most tribes and societies kill such outcasts.

Like everyone else, good luck, no madness, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Grandpa’s Day, Grandma’s Day, Christmas holidays, name day and there will be no ha ha and that’s it

If others are lucky enough to be rich, they can afford it, at least they have something to put in the car, ha ha, that’s all.

Exactly… It takes twice as long to have a baby… It’s unfortunate to be a parent, you have to try so hard.

I just read the comments on the box. The people under this post are really great, little bit of criticism and a lot of understanding. Exceptionally so. Way to go…

Aha…my mom encouraged me to make such confessions. Well, that’s tough. Surely the guy/girl will write a book and manage his/her finances somehow.

It’s obvious why she didn’t want to be a boy, environment not genes.

At least he’s not catholic, checkmate.

A brave girl enters the warpath with a narcissist.

And I’ll tell you, if he had a child of mine and paid a lot of alimony, I wouldn’t care if he cared about it. Men are like that… it’s not worth talking about them now. They cheat on each other left and right, they consider themselves Adonis and many of them don’t care about the child anyway. It’s better to come to such an agreement with Musk than to be stuck in the potty after it happened with some of the company’s employees. And the fact that the child won’t have a father… well, not many people are comfortable with that role anyway, so no loss

Well, it’s not a good model. Except that I raised three kids on my own, with my husband, but really it was all on my head. From my perspective, I’d say I’d rather be financially secure. Sadly.

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