Electricity prices.  PGNiG increases energy levels

Fuel and food prices are rising rapidly, consuming more and more of the family budget. It is similar to electric bills. An example of a PGNiG price list illustrates this From the beginning of 2021 to the planned increase in November, rates will increase by about 300%.

According to Wysokienapiecie.pl, in January 2021, electricity prices in the PGNiG family offer were PLN 0.34 / kWh, and customers had to add PLN 4.88 net of trade fees per month. In January of this year, the gas giant’s bid exceeded PLN 1. On the other hand, as of July 2022, the state-owned giant has raised the offer price of electricity to approximately PLN 1.39/kWh.

There is also a significant increase in trading fees – up to PLN 28.45 per month. On average, a family gets 0.14 PLN per kilowatt-hour.

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More increases in November

However, the increases will not end there. From November, customers must take into account the new price list, for which they will pay 1.70 PLN per kWh consumed and a trading fee of approximately PLN 35. This includes the fall hike and VAT, which will return after the end of the anti-inflationary shield.

Taking into account all components of the electricity bill issued to customers (including distribution charges, capacity charges, etc.), this fall may reach About 385 PLN total per month. At the beginning of 2021, the figure was 121 PLN.

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