After five exciting years and three days of intense speculation, the ax fell: Sebastian Tellorm and District 31, Is over. “I wanted to continue until the last,” the actor says in an interview.
On Monday evening, during an emotional episode, writer Luke Dion sealed the fate of the character that Sebastian Dolorm has been defending since 2016. Detective Sergeant Stephen Boulett, nicknamed Boop by the 1,800,000 spectators, was found dead in his vehicle. Point is shot in the blank range by Joel Racicot (Sébastien Leblanc), a person suspected of smuggling kratom, a sometimes dangerous natural product.
The actor, who was contacted by phone, admitted to being disappointed, but was filled with gratitude.
“I’m glad I tasted the level of success District 31. This only happens once in a career … when you are lucky. But I am a team guy. I like to look at things. The first day I was on the record, I wanted to be there until the last, but hey … I’m not the one to decide. ”
Two weeks before filming of the new episodes began, Sebastian Delorme knew he would be leaving the series in July.
I felt hard, of course. I was connected. Because District, It is serious. I filmed with my friends for over 500 days. This has been my daily life for five years. Sometimes, I had to apologize to my kids for not being there too much. I saw more of my colleagues than them.
Actor Sebastian Delorme
Today, after a roller coaster of emotions, Sebastian Delorme seems to be at peace with his departure from the popular detective drama.
“From the moment I spoke to Lucy [Dionne]When he explained to me how and why … this is what allowed me to accept the decision. After five seasons he told me he had to change the covers, move the story forward, and move on to other topics. ”
Photo provided by Radio-Canada
Sebastian Delorme District 31
Strong general reaction
From the beginning with Gilder Roy, Vincent-Guilmm Otis and Michael Charrett, he was part of the Sebastian Delorme Center for many years, with Catherine Brulex-Lemey, Catherine Saint-Laurent and Genevieve Proulette District 31.
He approached death a few times over time. In 2017, believers will remember that three missiles hit him in the middle of the street as a result of a score settlement ordered by Donald Welsh (Martin Larrock).
The actor knew that the audience would react to the death of Stephen Boulett, but never with such seriousness. Since Thursday evening, there has been a lot of skin deep audience messages on Facebook and Twitter.
“On the street, people stop me from expressing their condolences! Many of them thank me for doing a good job all these years. Nice to hear that. How touching. For me, it’s more than any price.”
By his own consent, Sebastian Delorme was not “someone who wanted to make speeches.” But after the last day of filming District 31In August, he found himself in front of the team and couldn’t help but say a few words.
“I thought it was important to talk about everything that has happened in five years. During this time our respective lives have changed a lot. Mine, among other things. [Il s’est séparé de l’actrice Julie Perreault en 2019 après 20 ans de vie commune.] After all, my co-workers have inevitably become closer to me. ”
Sebastian Delorme is proud of the work he has done in this fast-paced series. He is satisfied with the last moments of Stefan Boulett, a scene shot in a scene like most of them.
“I’m happy. When I saw that scene, in my eyes, it was the feeling of the moment I saw it. Luke’s writing [Dionne] Full of twists. It gave me the opportunity to act as an actor. ”
Free as air
Without filming District 31 To fill his agenda, he says Sebastian Dolorm is “free like air”. In recent weeks, the sports enthusiast has been occupying his days increasing the number of outings by bike.
“I have driven 2000 km so far! He shouts. This allowed me to determine what I experienced. It is not wrong to stop and think about what you are doing. ”
At the age of 50, Sebastian Tellorm rediscovered himself “before the unknown”. But one choice in Gemini and two quotes in Artis Gala District 31, He looks forward to the next chapter.
“It’s okay to explore new things. By choosing to be an actor, I don’t want something static. That’s what’s happening now. It’s the reality of the industry.”
“Pop culture practitioner. Award-winning tv junkie. Creator. Devoted food geek. Twitter lover. Beer enthusiast.”