Daniel Obajtek on the Supervisory Board of the World Trade Center

Daniel Obajtek, President of PKN Orlen, has been appointed to the supervisory board of development company Globe Trade Center. The position’s three-year term began on December 30.

“Open Pension Fund PZU ‘Złota Jesień’, represented by Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne PZU SA, hereby announces that as a shareholder in Globe Trade Center SA, it is appointing Mr. Daniel Obajtek as a member of the company’s supervisory board for a 3-year term beginning on December 30, 2021 . ”- we read in the GTC announcement. At the same time, Ryszard Wawryniewicz was recalled from the supervisory board.

The announcement noted that Daniil Obajtek has been President and CEO of Polski Koncern Naftowy Orlen since 2018. He is also Chairman of the Council of the Polish Olympic Committee and a member of the Program Council of the Krynica Economic Forum. In 2015-2017, Obajtek was the head of the Agency for the Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture, and in 2017-2018 the head of Energa. In the past, he was a member of the supervisory boards of Dalmor and Lotos Biopaliwa.

How much does Daniel Obajtek earn at PKN Orlen?

According to PKN Orlen stock reports, in 2020, the salary of Daniil Obajtek for assuming the position of president amounted to 1.286 million PLN, in 2019 – 1.206 million PLN, and in 2018 – 867 thousand PLN. zloty.

In October, Wirtualna Polska reported that Assets Accumulated by Daniel Obajtik His relatives have 35 million PLN in real estate alone. The Orlin chief’s family estate consists of: 30 hectares of land, two hotels, one mansion, one apartment, six houses, two apartments and eight holiday homes.

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World Trade Center

GTC Group is a real estate development company operating in Poland and the capitals of Central and Eastern Europe. As we read on the company’s website, GTC is the owner and manager of 54 commercial buildings. GTC shares are listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (inside listing).

OFE PZU “Złota Jesień” owns 41,714,000 shares in the Globe Trade Center, which constitutes 8.59 percent. The company’s capital entitled to 8.59 per cent. Voting at the general meeting.

Main image source: Piotr Nowak / PAP

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