Credit holidays.  Poland 2050 – The Third Way withdraws the project, explains the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Simon Holonia

On Tuesday, members of parliament from Poland 2050-Third Way withdrew the bill providing for the extension of credit holidays. We have decided that this type of matter of such importance will be dealt with by the next government within government projects, and this is the correct decision for a particular system that we need to present at this difficult transitional moment. House Speaker Simon Holonia said this would simply be better for this project. He stressed that “no one will delay anything, because a decision must be made regarding credit holidays.”

At the end of July 2022, the Law on Crowdfunding for Business Projects and Aid to Borrowers came into force, introducing loan holidays. The regulations made it possible to suspend mortgage loan payments in Polish złoty. The pending installments were carried forward at the end of the repayment period, thus extending the loan period.

Legal credit holidays were scheduled to apply until the end of this year. The Polish Deputies’ project 2050 – The Third Way was submitted to the Sejm, which assumed an extension of the solution for another year. Under the proposal, in 2024, loan forgiveness would be granted if a borrower’s expenses related to monthly mortgage payments exceed 40%. Average monthly income.

The justification stated that, as before, at the request of the borrower, it will be possible to suspend four payments (once a quarter) of the mortgage loan obtained for the purchase of an apartment during the year.

On Tuesday, members of parliament from Poland 2050-Third Way withdrew their project. A letter in this regard, signed by MP Rafał Kasprzyk, was published on the House of Representatives website. Szymon Holonia, Speaker of the Sejm and leader of Poland 2050, was asked about this during the press conference on Tuesday.

Letter regarding withdrawal of the project

Szymon Hołownia About credit holidays

– From what I learned today from the club presidents, the decision was made regarding the content in accordance with what we talked about in the wind farm law, meaning that we leave these matters to the action and decision of the next government – the Speaker of the House of Representatives said.

– There will be a government in Poland in less than a week, a government that will be formed by a parliamentary majority – editor. Today is really the moment when the House should say: “Listen, we can wait this week and let the government make this decision responsibly.” Holonia added: “This is the decision of the club presidents, and I understand that this is the way things are.”

The Marshal emphasized that “no one will delay anything, because a decision must be made about credit holidays.” He explained – But I believe that the responsibility is for the government to bear its responsibility as a project of its own and present it to the House of Representatives as a solution that does not remain from that government, but rather is the solution that this government wants to implement.

What about the PiS government project?

He is also in the House of Representatives Law and Justice Party government project to extend credit holidays. Marshal Holonia was asked about this project and whether it would be considered.

He also stressed, “The decision today is in the hands of the (Public Finance) Committee.” – It can merge these projects, it can proceed with this project, it can postpone it until it receives the government project. We, as the House of Representatives and Marshal of the House, are currently relying on the position of the Committee, I don’t know it yet, so when the Finance Committee comments on this matter, we will have clarity on this matter, and then I make it clear that he will be able to say: “This point will be on the docket tomorrow.” Business, because tomorrow was planned in the beginning, otherwise it would not be so.”

– I hope that by the evening, we will get more knowledge from the committee about what it intends to do – Simon Holonia emphasized.

As he pointed out, both bills are currently in committee – the government bill and the parliamentary bill, “which will now be withdrawn due to a certain logical consistency in our behavior as a new coalition.” – We want, and we have made this decision, for these projects to be the ones that the new government will deal with, as they will be there within a week and will be responsible for them – he repeated.

The Marshal assured that the House of Representatives “will be able to deal with a potential new project in the credit holidays period without any problems” by the end of the year. – The Senate will also be able to deal with the matter without any problem. I understand that the President (Andrzej Duda – ed.) will not wait until the evening of the last day, because this is an important issue for the Poles – Simon Holonia emphasized.

Main image source: Bab/Marcin Opara

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