Cow breeder appeals to minister for changes in social welfare

The care of animals included in the NSP excludes some breeders who have so far used, for example, package 2.3 – care of suckling cows. One breeder, who is no longer eligible for the program, heard that the new care was “written for breeders who keep their animals indoors.” So I wrote a letter to Deputy Prime Minister Kowalczyk, in which she called for changes to the Kosovo Police Service and asked whether pushing animals into the buildings would contribute to the development of Polish cattle breeding.

As already mentioned, our editorial office receives information about breeders, whose new form of animal care is excluded from the group of recipients of such payments.

One of the breeders decided to address this issue to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture, Henrik Kowalczyk. As he explains, The reason for the letter was a phone conversation with an employee of the Ministry of Agriculture On Animal Welfare in the Strategic Plan 2023-2027.

– He told us that since we do not keep animals in buildings, this new system is not suitable for us, because it was written for breeders who keep animals in buildings – confirms Alexandra Jonicka in the letter, adding that she has used package 2.3 so far – Baby Cow Care.

This breeder has been breeding Black Angus Abrin cows for 14 years. The Uniezycki flock currently contains 210 wet lollipops. From the start, the farm has an ecological status. As Unieżycka points out, The animals in their herd are provided with conditions several times higher than the standards proposed in the National Strategy Plan.

We cultivate more than 370 hectares, 95 percent. We are a breeding farm specializing in the sale of weeds – Unieycka confirms. In addition, thinking about the future, breeders assumed the intensification of pressure on sustainable agriculture, which affected their decision on the direction of production. – Our basic assumption was to raise healthy, cute and strong animals that would provide the best material for further breeding (…). The measure was for this purpose, in addition to the appropriate selection of animals from breeding flocks, to ensure the best care of the animals, taking into account the peculiarity of this breed, ideally suited for extended / semi-extensive breeding, in parallel with the currently strengthened trend of sustainable farming – he adds.

The educator confirmed this several times The priority at Unieycki Farm is to ensure the highest possible level of well-being and to enable the animals to display normal behaviour.

Animals in this herd live in pastures all year round. Friendly cows stay in herds all the time, as they are also calves. Calves remain in the herd until the age of 8 months. As the breeder points out, this allows for the expression of natural behavior and the building of social structure in the herd.

How important are livestock, their behaviour, condition and health to enable such behaviour? How many points in the welfare system should it be worth ensuring such conditions compared to, for example: “Increasing the provision of living space for animals in farm buildings compared to the minimum standards for a particular species by at least 50%”? (The minimum area according to the regulation 4.5 m 2 an increase of 50% gives about 7 m 2) – asks the breeder.

It is clear from the extracts of the scientific papers contained in the thesis that they are free Grazing over a large area allows the animals to activate the instinctive behavior typical of herbivores on a large scale.

I remember winters, more than 20 degrees of frost, and sleet of snow, and a herd lying on the hill, on a thick layer of uneaten straw, lazily watching the surroundings, and calves playing under the watchful eyes of their mothers. At the same time, the image of the worlds destroyed by animals, treating them more like brushes, showed us how different the behavior of animals is from our image of well-being. To improve something, we must first understand it – Unieżycka emphasizes.

It also refers to the words of the professor. Shabusa from the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, who noted that very little emphasis is placed on animal grazing, which is key in terms of product quality, and on the professor’s work. Kalety from Warsaw University of Life Sciences, demonstrating that keeping livestock in the pasture system has a “positive effect on greenhouse gas capture”.

– In addition to the sustainable use of pastures, I would like to remind you that we have been an eco-farm from the beginning, it is very useful for sequestering carbon dioxide, which makes it well suited for growing charcoal – confirms Unieycka.

– So I turn to you, Minister of Trunks, with the same question for your servant, Would it be better for the development of livestock farming in Poland and animal welfare if you limit the herd from 210 LU to 150 mothers, i.e. 150 LU (making crops on the restored land), “herd” the animals in the buildings and set standards for welfare guidelines? Of course, as a breeder, I support increased assistance to breeders trying to improve the welfare of animals. However, I don’t understand, and I think it’s unfair, to exclude farms like ours from this program. – The educator confirms.

She also pointed out that Polish grass breeders are a very important component of Poland’s beef production chain.

Why should weaners who keep the flocks on a pasture system of the highest possible level of animal welfare, much larger than the farmers who provide them with sucking, discriminate against them? – Uniezycka asks. – As our goal is to increase education, improve welfare and increase the share of organic farming to 25 percent. by 2030 I demand the possibility of operating cow farms in the pasture system to join the point sponsorship system (…). – He adds.

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