COP26 Glasgow, Tuvalu Minister speaking at sea

Pictures of Simon Covey standing In a suit and tie On a platform in the sea, with pants legs raised, was widely shared on social media, highlighting Tuvalu’s struggle with rising sea levels.

“Combining COP26 with the real situations we are facing in Tuvalu due to the effects of climate change and rising sea levels, the statement underscores the bold steps that Tuvalu is taking to address the very urgent issues of human mobility in the context of climate change,” Covey said of his video message to the conference.

Tuvalu's Minister of Foreign AffairsTuvalu Foreign Minister – EYE PRESS / AFP

A government official said the video was taken by public broadcaster TVBC at the far end of Fungavali, the main island in the capital of Funafuti.

It is due to be unveiled at the Glasgow Climate Summit on Tuesday and when Regional leaders push for more robust action to reduce the impact of climate change.

For residents of Tonga or other islands in the Pacific, climate change means that we will find ourselves underwater, says Oelé Luisi, a member of the Tonga delegation at the UN Climate Conference COP26 in Glasgow, in an interview with the Palestinian News Agency.

“The impact of climate change is felt everywhere in the world, although it is visible in different ways. In our case, it is the rising water level. And throughout Tonga, as well as in the entire Pacific Ocean, the water level is rising. This means an imminent disaster, because most The country is located 1-2 meters above the water level. Just like Kiribati, Tuvalu and other islands, we will be under water– says Louise, president of the non-governmental organization OHAI Tonga, which deals with the effects of climate change in Tonga and other Pacific islands.

“But the problem is not only rising water levels, but also rising water temperatures. This is killing all marine life, including corals, reducing biodiversity and disrupting natural food chains. Rising ocean temperatures also affect ocean currents. This, in turn, translates into seismic activity.

because Tonga lies about the so-called ring of fire, every year we have about 10 thousand. Underwater eruptions and volcanic tremors. The last time we had a major 6.9 earthquake was in Tonga in 1972, so another one is inevitable. Let’s hope that the epicenter is under water and not on land, “- he adds.

Source: Reuters, PAP

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