Conflict in a state-owned company.  The trade unions made a decision

Unionists demand an increase in salaries with equality as of October Although they recently reached an agreement with PKP Cargo that they will earn more from January 2024. The tanker reached an agreement with the crew on December 1. As reported then, the cost of the increases next year would amount to PLN 170 million.

More than one hundred million profits in nine months

In the first nine months of 2023, PKP Cargo Group generated revenues of PLN 4.168 billion, which means an increase of 9%. Compared to the same period last year. It made a profit of PLN 102 million compared to a loss of PLN 4.7 million in the previous year.

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See also: Apartment auctions. Buyers raise prices themselves. The expert has good news

During the first three quarters of this year, the group transported 62 million tons of cargo, which means a decrease of 18% year-on-year. During this period, it transported 27.6 million tons of hard coal compared to 33.3 million tons the previous year.

As Jacek Rutkowski, Member of the Board of Trade Management, said at the end of November, PKP Cargo did not see any improvement in the economic situation in freight transportation in the third quarter.

– The third quarter of 2023 does not show the recovery in coal transportation that we had hoped for. This is mainly due to lower demand from the energy industry and private sector customers, as well as the build-up of inventories at seaports. We hope that supplies will eventually be transported deep into the country. In addition, the heating season was delayed due to unfavorable weather conditions for the sector, Rutkowski said.

The economic situation is deteriorating and transportation is at a standstill

He added that, given the continuing deterioration of the economic situation in Poland and abroad, The group is witnessing a decline in transportation in all commodity groups. He also supported the announcement that the Board of Directors will present a new strategy for the group. It is scheduled to be submitted in mid-December.

PKP Cargo is the largest rail freight company in Poland and the leading operator in the European Union. It is a joint-stock company, and its largest shareholder is the giant state company PKP, which owns 33%. Involved.

It offers logistics services, combining railway (the largest fleet of rolling stock in Poland), land and sea transport. Provides independent freight transportation service to several thousand customers in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Hungary, Lithuania and Slovenia.

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