Cold carbon dioxide traps found on the moon’s surface.  A major discovery for manned missions to the Silver Globe

In the permanently shaded regions of both poles of the Moon, temperatures are lower than those in some regions of Pluto and reach minus 352 degrees Celsius. This allows the formation of so-called cold carbon dioxide traps, the existence of which has just been officially confirmed on the basis of data collected by NASA’s probe in the last twelve or so years.

Scientists have speculated for years that such ice formations exist on the Moon, but they have finally been able to confirm their existence. The discovery is important mainly for one reason. Okay Cold traps are very likely to contain solid carbon dioxide (in the form of ice), which may be a staple of future manned missions to the Moon and the continued presence of humans on the Silver Globe.

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We already know that today Manned flights to the moon will be very expensiveTherefore, any way to reduce the costs of such a trip is worth its weight in gold. It is literally. Solid carbon dioxide would be ideally suited, for example, to produce fuel and other materials that may be useful during manned flights to our satellite. Let’s add to that Confirm the presence of water on the surface of the moon And we are drawn to a somewhat optimistic picture of the future, the permanent presence of man on the moon.

>> See also: Could colonizing Mars accelerate human evolution?

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