CBOS questionnaire.  Supporters and opponents of the Morawiecki government?

34 percent of respondents are government-supported, 38 percent. Against him, the results of the activities of the Council of Ministers are evaluated positively by 39 percent. respondents. bad – 49 percent; 37 percent of respondents are satisfied with the fact that Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki is the head of government; 47 percent it’s not – according to a CBOS poll.

Read also: vote. PiS powered by more than KO and Poland 2050 combined! PSL is on the threshold of elections, with a result of less than 1 percent.

Supporters and opponents of the government?

As pointed out by CBOS, September did not bring any significant changes in the attitude of the Poles towards the government of Mateusz Morawiecki.

In September, 34 percent of people described themselves as supporters of the government. respondents (2 percentage points increase compared to the August survey); 38% of the respondents considered them to be against the government. respondents (increase by 1 percentage point). 24 respondents declared indifference to the Cabinet (1 percentage point decrease); 4 percent answered “difficult to say” (1 percentage point decrease).

The respondents in the poll were also asked to evaluate the results of the activities of the government of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. 39 percent of them rate them positively. Respondents (same as last month); Bad – 49 percent (an increase of 3 percentage points). 12 percent of respondents did not have a specific opinion on this topic (4 percentage points decrease).

As the survey indicates, in September, the social assessment of the government’s economic policy, as well as the attitude towards Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, did not change.

According to 35 percent of those surveyed, the current government policy creates opportunities to improve the economic situation (about a month ago), 52% of respondents have a different opinion. Responders (also unchanged). 13 percent answered “It’s hard to say” (no change).

Morawiecki’s assessment as head of government

The respondents were also asked if they were satisfied with the fact that Mateusz Morawiecki is the head of government. And 37 percent expressed their satisfaction with this fact. Respondents (same as last month); 47 percent are dissatisfied. respondents (also unchanged); 16 percent have no opinion on the subject. Threads.

The survey was conducted on 6-15 September as part of the mixed procedure on a select representative sample of 1218 adult Polish residents, drawn from the PESEL registry (including: 62.4% using the CAPI method, 25.0% – CATI and 12.6% – CAWI).

Each respondent chose one of the methods on his own: direct interview with the interviewer (CAPI method), telephone interview after contacting the CBOS interview (CATI) – contact details were received by the respondent in a CBOS declaration letter, self-completion of an online questionnaire that was accessible Based on the login and password provided to the respondent in the declaration letter from the CBOS.

As indicated by the survey, the survey had the same set of questions and structure in all three cases. CBOS has also announced that it has been conducting legal research as part of the procedure described above since May 2020, in each case the proportion of live, telephone and internet interviews available.

kpc / PAP

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