Carrefour workers revolt.  Opposition to opening shops on Sunday.  ‘disrespect for dignity’

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Sunday’s trading ban has become a fantasy. Solidarity is angry and the government is silent

Pointpack, which creates technical solutions that support parcel dispatch and collection, I signed a framework agreement for cooperation with Carrefour Polska last week. This will allow the network to operate on its own stores Post offices, which will depend on the system developed by Pointpack.

Sunday shopping (illustration)Sunday trading ban. The government wants to shut it down, and the Poles are not [SONDAŻ]

No trade. Carrefour employees against the opening of stores on Sundays

It should be noted that Carrefour – Despite the possibility of introducing postal services, he did not announce his intention to open his shops on non-commercial Sundays. However, trade unions have already issued a statement opposing the attempt to circumvent the ban trade Sunday.

“Depriving employees of the only day off guaranteed by the Trade Restriction Act on Sunday is a lack of respect for the dignity of employees, the right to rest and the opportunity to spend this time with family” – reads the announcement of the organization NSZZ “Solidarno” Carrefour Polska, which quotes Business Insider Polska. And trade unions add that “multitasking, low a wageExposure to COVID-19 is a sufficient stress factor for trade workers. They also announced that they would take “appropriate action to defend free Sundays” when needed.

Glovo Express MailAlcohol is delivered from Glovo. At the moment, in one city in Poland

More stores open on Sunday

As we wrote in, the ban on Sunday trading has become a fantasy. Other networks decided to take advantage of the possibility of bypassing the trading ban on Sunday by offering a postal service. This service was offered, among others, by Polo Market, Stokrotka, Lewiatan or Ladybug. The latter has already opened more than 400 of its branches. Also some shops Lidl Poland, which will open on non-commercial Sundays from September 5, has been granted the status of post offices.

However, the trading ban may be tightened on Sunday. At the end of July, a bill on a trade ban was submitted to the House of Representatives. According to the draft amendment, postal contact points can be opened only on non-commercial Sundays within the meaning of the Postal Law of November 23, 2012, in which postal activity prevails. You will find more on this topic Here.

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