Canada Child Benefit: Additional Financial Assistance to Families

Each family eligible for the Canada Child Welfare Program (CCB) will receive up to $ 300 per child under the age of six, and the additional support is expected to benefit nearly 1.6 million Canadian families.

“Parents should never have to make the impossible choice between paying bills and putting food on the table. These additional supports provided to families through the Canada Child Welfare Program will help us cope with the storm as we rebuild a strong and prosperous Canada,” the Minister of Family and Community Development said in a statement on Friday. , Ahmed Hussein.

The $ 300 tax-free fee per child is therefore eligible for CCB for a child under the age of six whose net income is $ 120,000 or less in 2020.

Families eligible for ACE with a net income of more than $ 120,000 during this period will receive $ 150 per child tax-free.

“I know these benefits have had a positive impact on the lives of our children and will continue to do so,” said National Revenue Minister Diane LeBouth.

Thus the parents concerned will be able to receive approximately $ 1,200 for a child under the age of six, plus regular payments from the ACE by 2021.

This additional third installment was shipped on Friday, with the first two deposited on May 28th. The final payment is scheduled for October 29th.

Ottawa has increased the amount of regular ACE payments for the fourth year in a row to educate children under the age of 18.

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