“Bon Cop, Bad Cop” Director Eric Canuel Dies

Director Eric Canuel passed away last Saturday.

He supervised the shooting of hit films like A good guard is a bad guard, Law of the Pig, Red nosee, Surprise And The last tunnel.

The 63-year-old battled multiple myeloma with “extraordinary courage” for more than seven years.

However, a press release on Monday said that acute secondary plasma cell leukemia was the cause of his death.

Born in Montreal in 1961 into a family of artists, Eric Canuel is the brother of actor Nicolas Canuel and the son of actors Lucille Papineau and Yvonne Canuel.

Eric Canuel directed episodes of the series, in addition to contributing to the seventh art. Big wolf on campus, Flashpoint, Fortier, Young Wolves, Ransom amount, Hungry And Transplant surgery.

He also founded Kino Films with two colleagues. They have worked specifically in the world of music videos and advertising.

In 2000, he received a Genie Award Hemingway: A PortraitBefore directing several films including the first bilingual police action comedy in 2006, Good guard, bad guard. Zootra, starring Patrick Hart and Colm Feore, won the 2007 Golden Ticket and three 2007 Genie Awards, including Best Picture and Golden Reel. Good guard, bad guard It grossed $12 million at the box office, setting a new record for a Canadian film.

Erik Canuel leaves to mourn his partner and “true partner” Julie and his children, Elodie, L’ami.e and Justin, his brother Nicolas (Genevieve), Eliot and Flavie and his mother Lucille.

A ceremony to honor him will be held soon. Details will be communicated later.

His major films

2001: Law of the Pig

2003: Red Nose

2004: The Lost Tunnel

2005: The Avenger

2006: Good Cop, Bad Cop

2009: Corpses

2013: Mystery Lake

2017: The indirect grandfather

Major Achievements in TV

2001: Forty

2009-2011: Flashpoint

2014: Young Guns

2017: Ransom

2020: Transplantation


2007: Best Picture Genie Good guard, bad guard

2007: Judra Golden Ticket Good guard, bad guard

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