Bill Gates: Yes, we can fight the epidemic

The letter has gone down in history Bill Gates In 2015, when an American warned us all about the future pandemic. His incredibly accurate predictions even caused a flurry of various conspiracy theories that he himself was behind the resurrection Corona virus.

“If anything kills more than 10 million people in the next few decades, it will most likely do so highly contagious virus – Explained then. Present pandemic It has already caused more than five million recorded deaths.

In addition to gates He believed that when such a viral catastrophe broke out, we would not be prepared for it. Unfortunately, he was right. Now, in an interview with a British charity, he stated this in order to prepare the world epidemics in the futureA global effort worth tens of billions of dollars is needed.

One of the richest people in the world drew attention to the need for continued funding for targeted projects Improving Vaccinesor diagnostic tests or treatment. He also pointed out the need to create a new type of vaccine.

“We have vaccines that help maintain health but slightly reduce transmission,” the billionaire said.

The Microsoft founder also suggested creating a special task force for epidemics. The group will deal with regulation, among other things “Pandemic Games”, i.e. testing countries’ responses to hypothetical biological threats.

As an example of such a pledge, he cited a case in which a group of terrorists intended to infect people with smallpox at ten different airports. How will the world react to such an attack? Of course, during these tests, no one will actually get infected.

“I think there will be fertile ground for that because we have lost trillions of dollars and millions of lives and citizens expect their governments not to allow this to happen again,” he said.

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