Ban on diesel from Russia.  Orlin position

last week Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki He said in a press conference that Diesel is a real problem. The prime minister said that he is in contact with the prime ministers of other countries on this matter.

– There is a huge diesel deficit in Europe and this is a very serious problem. I hope that our multi-energy concern will also be able to deal with this – said Morawiecki.

What is it actually about? For the next package of EU sanctions, which will enter into force on February 5. We are talking about a ban on imports of finished fuel, including diesel, from Russia. Some experts argue that while fuel from other directions should be plentiful, yes Decreased availability of diesel in the market may lead to higher prices.

– I think a completely realistic scenario is PLN 8-9 (per liter of diesel – Ed.). Above this value I will be surprisedBut one analyst told Interia that such a possibility cannot be ruled out Jacob Bogoki from

– A product of non-Russian origin will be more expensive because importing it will be more expensive Prices will definitely be higher. First of all, the prices will not change immediately on February 5th, but we need to take a global look at the market. Any information related to the demand for ready fuel will be important, because it will overlap with this specific event – he confirms in an interview with Interia Ursula Sislak From Reflex Brokerage.

“There has been enough time to secure new transport destinations and I am confident that we have done so,” he adds.

We asked about it in Orlin, or as Prime Minister Moravicky put it, in our “multi-energy concern”. Interestingly, The company says it has not imported diesel from Russia since the outbreak of the war. So why is the prime minister concerned? Or maybe there was a lack of communication between the Prime Minister’s Chancellery and Orlen?

“Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, we have not imported diesel oil from Russia, balancing the Polish market with purchases from alternative directions. The concern has been the application of restrictions for a long time, which will officially enter into force on February 5, 2023. This practice, regardless of the obvious reasons, was intended to set up PKN Orlen to procure fuel from any direction in the world, which was successful.

As we read in the next part of the PKN Orlen stand, diesel should not be missing. At the same time, the company cannot guarantee that diesel prices will not increase.

There will be no shortage of fuel for PKN Orlen customers, both wholesale and those who buy fuel at Orlen stations. We guarantee that too The company continuously analyzes the environment, which is subject to significant fluctuations, and takes all measures to maintain a stable price level to its customers.”

Meanwhile, Orlin admits that currently “up to 25 percent of diesel oil” is imported into Poland, but the company is not the only importer of this fuel in Poland.

“Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, we have not bought diesel oil from Russia. But… It is difficult for us to refer to general statistics, because we have no influence on the activities of other importers. As PKN Orlen, we talk to many partners globally about the supply of finished fuel on an ongoing basis, in order to secure supplies to customers not only in Poland, but in all markets where we are present.

Orlin’s position, the concern of Prime Minister Moraviki, as well as the alarming voices of analysts lead to one conclusion – Diesel will not be cheaper, and a completely realistic scenario is that prices will go up.

The average diesel price at the beginning of 2023 ranged between 7.65 and 7.77 Polish zlotys per liter. However, in mid-October last year, we had to deal with the standard prices for this fuel at the stations, because we had to pay more than PLN 8 per liter. Will the situation happen again soon?

– There should not be a situation when diesel runs out, but at the same time it is difficult to predict how the whole situation will affect prices. Will it go up 10 or 20 percent? Much will depend on the global situation. One thing is for sure – prices won’t be lowerbecause diesel imports from countries other than Russia will not be cheaper – Urszula Cieślak emphasizes.

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