Average salary and employment in Poland

Average gross salary in large non-financial firms In March 2023, the total amounted to PLN 7,508.34 It was nominal (ie without taking into account inflation) by 12.6%. higher than last year, according to the Central Statistical Bureau. Compared to February, average wages increased by 6.3%.

(Bankier.pl based on the Central Statistical Office)

This reading was in line with expectations. Economists expected average wages in the business sector to increase by 12.5%. After an increase of 13.6%. Recorded in February and 13.5 percent. in january. In December, statisticians recorded an increase in the “national average” by “only” 10.3 percent. YoY after increasing 13.9% YoY in November. But in July, the nominal record was broken, when the “national average” nominally increased by as much as 15.8%. In general, we have been dealing with double-digit nominal wage dynamics in Poland since December 21.

– The reason for the increase in average monthly salaries for the month of March 2023 compared to February 2023 is due to continued payments, for example bonuses, annual and jubilee bonuses, quarterly bonuses, overtime pay settlement, salary increases, as well as severance payments (which, by paying Aside from basic salaries, these are also included in the bonus components) – GUS Statistic Explanation.

– The highest increase in average monthly gross wages and salaries was recorded in the section “Professional, scientific and technical activities” (by 11.3 percent), where wages amounted to PLN 10,7889.93 (previously PLN 9,698.14 per month) and “Information and Communication” (by 11.3 percent). 0%), with salaries amounting to PLN 13,633.44 (PLN 12,284.79 in the previous month), adds the Central Statistical Office.

We write here all the time about pretax salaries for work (ZUS and NFZ contributions and PIT advances). In fact, what matters is how much the employee receives “on hand” and how much the so-called cost to the employer – it can be calculated using the Bankier.pl salary calculator.

(Bankier.pl based on the Central Statistical Office)

However, one should take into account the very high inflation, which for several months has been “eating out” the increase in wages (or, perhaps, first of all) the savings of Poles. The CPI inflation for March was estimated at 16.1%. This means that The real annual growth rate of average wages in the corporate sector was negative for the eighth month in a row
It amounted to -3%.

Who earns this amount and how does the Central Statistical Office calculate it?

The book published today is only applicable to non-financial companies with more than 9 employees. These stats cover less than 40 percent. a job. In addition, we also know from other studies that about two-thirds of employees receive salaries below the so-called national average.

The report on the average salary of the Central Statistical Office, which describes the realities of the Polish labor market a little better, is published only once every two years. The latest data was announced at the end of November and was for the state as of October 2020. This study shows that half of the employees earned PLN 4,702.66 gross, which is about PLN 3,403 net (ie on hand).

The data on the basis of which the Central Statistical Office calculates average wage and employment statistics in the business sector comes from the “Report on Economic Activity” (DG-1). As part of this report, entities that employ 50 or more people were surveyed using the complete method, and entities that employ 10 to 49 people – using the representative method. We wrote more about this in the article “Who earns a lot? Salaries in Poland – how does the Central Statistical Office calculate them? [Tłumaczymy]”.

Employment dropped unexpectedly

The number of employees (full-time equivalent) in the business sector in March 2023 was 6,516.8 thousand. And it was 9.5 thousand. Less than a month earlier, according to data from the Central Statistical Office. This was the second consecutive monthly decline in hiring at large firms.

(Bankier.pl based on the Central Statistical Office)

The Central Bureau of Statistics adds that this translates to an increase in employment of just 0.5% compared to March 2022. This is a slight disappointment as economists had expected a 0.6% increase year on year.


Christopher Colany

Senior Analyst at Bankier.pl

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