Anna Mucha at the premiere of “Koniec swiata or kogel-mogel 4” with Jakub Wons.  When asked about a partner she chose wisely

More about the film’s premieres on the main page

Marek Kondrat, Drew Barrymore, Jodie FosterKondrat appeared on screen when he was 11 years old. Barrymore when he was an infant. And DiCaprio?

Apocalypse, or kogel-mogel 4It arrives in theaters on January 7. However, on December 27, there was a show before the premiere of the production with the participation of the stars. On that day, the show was stolen by Anna Muchawhich appeared on the wall in a long white dress resembling a wedding dress. When our reporter asked her about this original design choice, she joked.

I’m just checking if white is bold – I laughed.

The actress also told us about her role in the production, directed by Anna Witcher.

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Anna Mucha talks about the movie “Koniec świata or kogel-mogel 4” and how it has changed in recent years.

Anna Mucha is amazed at the premiere of “Apocalypse or kogel-mogel 4”

Anna Mucha He’s not one of those stars who is eager to talk about private life. It also cares about the privacy of relatives. In the show before the first show the movie However, “Apocalypse, or kogel-mogel 4” appeared with beloved Jacob Wons. When asked about it, she quickly cut it short.

“I want a different set of questions,” she laughed.

But after a while she added:

I know you have always relied on the nicknames “Mucha z Wonsem” or “Baba z Wonsem”.

In turn, when asked about her daughter, she was taken.

10 years ago there was an earthquake and even now when I say it, I am moved. She said that’s a very cool thing and I’m glad I have such amazing close people around me.

Anna Mucha celebrates her daughter's birthday.  I showed a picture from ten years agoAnna Mucha celebrates her daughter’s birthday with a pregnant photo

Anna Mucha for her role in “Koniec świata or kogel-mogel 4”

Anna Mucha does not hide that she loves to play her heroine – the character of Bożena, who often resorts to conspiracies. She also revealed her hope to write the fifth part the movie And she will be able to play the role of supervising inspector of crazy buildings again.

I seriously hope that Bożenka will return and it will not be the last part of “Kogla Mogla”. So far, this is Bożena’s revenge. Someone just got under her skin. Bożena moved on and decided to fight for herself and her future. (…]I gave God’s best, though I may not have said the last word yet.

Mucha also talked about the production itself.

This is an iconic movie, a cult series right now. This is something that is the cause of complete joy. For me, it is a distinction and happiness because of the presence and the opportunity that I had, as well as in the face of other actors.

She added:

We’ve been waiting for the premiere for a long time. (…) But it is so wonderful that this film brings comfort in the present and, ironically, predates all the discussions we have now in Poland, it causes tremendous emotions.

The star also noted work on the set.

I really enjoyed the set and was impressed with how the whole story unfolds. The fourth part is a very representative cinema. It is a film that places great emphasis on the heroes, the actors, and the development of acting. There are a lot of great characters and stars out there.

The star also announced that next year will be a busy year for her that viewers will not forget.

In 2022 I shut down the fridge because I’m going to let it go. There are four movie premieres waiting for me, maybe two on stage – I counted.

There is nothing else but to congratulate you.

Anna Mucha is ready for the date.  The original handbag attracts attentionAnna Mucha is ready for the date. The original handbag attracts attention

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