AliExpress announces the sale.  Tax changes will make purchases more expensive

Chinese sales service AliExpress Announcing the World Shopping Festival. sale It will start on November 11, and for the first time Polish customers will be able to take advantage of free shipping on all products sold. As part of the global shopping festival, customers will receive 70 percent discounts on various products.

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hammer (illustration)The new regulations go into effect today. E-commerce bundle and new version of TAX FREE

E-commerce package introduced tax changes

Regarding the upcoming sale, we would like to remind you that the new tax rules are effective from July 1, 2021 Purchases Manufactured abroad, incl. via AliExpress. Taxes are imposed on foreign purchases value added taxThere is an additional customs fee for more expensive shipments.

Regarding the e-commerce package, the changes include:

  • abolition of the EU-wide exemption from value-added tax on imports, the so-called small parcels with a value of up to 22 euros;
  • A significant extension of the scope of B2C transactions, which can be settled for VAT purposes using simplified single window procedures;
  • the possibility of settling VAT on distance sales of goods imported from third countries to consumers in the European Union, in shipments with a real value not exceeding 150 euros using the simplified universal import procedure;
  • the introduction of a simplified procedure for the declaration and payment of taxes on the import of goods in shipments whose value does not exceed 150 euros;
  • New commitments to operators of electronic interfaces (eg digital platforms) facilitate sales to consumers in the European Union.

The secret of the deficiency Sin Purchases from AliExpress and other foreign shopping portals were VAT not charged. On July 1, that changed.

The entry into force of the new regulations also imposes new customs and tax obligations on postal operators in EU countries. From July, operators, including Poczta Polska, will clear packages up to €150, which are duty-free but subject to VAT under the changing rules. In Poland, these postal items will be reported to the customs authorities by the post office to the AIS / e-commerce system. Changes made in Poland will also apply to higher value parcels. From July 1, 2021, Poczta Polska will electronically report parcels in the amount of 150-1000 euros to the AIS / e-commerce system, subject not only to VAT, but also customs duties

– We read in the advertisement of Poczta Polska.

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Tariffs in 2021

VAT is not the only additional amount to be paid for purchases from AliExpress and other foreign shopping portals. In the updated price list for Poczta Polska there is a new fee – for “presenting a consignment sent from abroad to customs control and declaring the goods included in it for the admission procedure for postal circulation (customs declaration procedure)”. It is PLN 8.50. The amount of VAT and customs declaration must be paid upon receipt of the package.

For goods imported from countries outside the European Union whose value is more than 150 euroYou also need to pay customs duties. The fee rate can be from 0%. Up to 50 percent of the merchandise value. Prices can be checked via the tariff information service – ISZTAR4 project. Here are some examples of duty rates in 2021 for some commodities:

  • laptops – 0 percent,
  • Smartphones – 0 percent,
  • Vacuum cleaners with a power of up to 1500 W – 2.2 percent,
  • decorative lamps – 3.7%,
  • watches (non-metallic) – 4.5 percent,
  • dolls (toys) – 4.7%,
  • clothing and clothing accessories, knitted – 12%,
  • Cotton blinds and blinds – 12 percent

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