A new start in Paris for Maxime Martin: “It’s been the worst year of my life”

Paris | Maxime Martin will try again next year to take his place in the hearts of the French people. The comedian will travel to France for a three-month tour from October 2023 Newspaper.

A breakup, a car accident involving his children, tension on the radio, his mother’s move to a nursing home… Maxim Martin compares the past year to a veritable “hurricane” that has swept through his existence.

“It was the worst time of my life,” he says.

Met in a cafe in Paris, a stone’s throw from the Louvre, the comedian however assures: he is fine. Nevertheless, the last few months – even the last few years – have taken a toll on him. He believed that the epidemic was relatively easily navigated. But he soon realized he was wrong when he saw how his anxiety increased due to the lockdown and its aftermath.

“It hit me harder than I thought. I woke up one morning realizing that time was flying by so fast, and I was afraid I’d wake up at 60 with regrets and things I didn’t take time to do. Was it a mid-life crisis? Maybe. All I knew was that I wanted to feel alive. Love it,” says the 53-year-old comedian.

Bucket list

A list of things to do “before it’s too late” popped into his head. If he hesitates to speak a tradition Bucket list (“Looks like I’ve learned I’ve got another year to live,” he exclaims), and he adopts a more apt definition of his idea.

Topping this list? A new beginning in the city of light. Almost 15 years after his last tour on French soil, Maxime Martin is preparing a new attack that he will use within a year. He will land in Paris in October 2023 for a tour through December.

“I’m a challenge guy. At my age, where nobody knows you, what’s a better challenge than starting over? I like the idea of ​​rebuilding one brick at a time,” he says.

Start from scratch

The first cranks for the project were given last spring, when Maxim gave a series of screenings to crowded theaters in Paris. Get out of the prestigious and crowded rooms he subscribes to at Quebec; Every evening, he performed in front of a few dozen French people.

“I love when young comedians make their debut at Le Portal in Montreal and feel intoxicated after experiencing their first good numbers, their first enthusiastic reactions from the public. I realized that I missed that feeling. There, I live in a situation like this here in Paris, and it’s very exciting. It’s me. A homecoming to be enjoyed, it does me a lot of good,” he explains.

The series will serve as its sixth break-in series for the French shows A one man show Then he wants to travel to Quebec. What exactly will this show be about? When can Quebecers find out? He ignores her for now. Round trips between Montreal and Paris, scheduled for the next few months, will make his intentions clear.

“I’m improving my life now. It’s scary… but it’s really cool,” concludes Maxime Martin.

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